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molding - rubber cryogenic deflashing machines

Cryogenic deflashing


Shot blasting machines

Shot-blasting machine particularly suitable to deflash little parts in rubber, silicone or other similar material.
The machine is supplied with variable speed, a variable speed  and variable angle turbine that "shot" the media directly inside the drum, a variable speed spring for the media recycling.
The cooling of parts and flash is by means of the injection of liquid nitrogen inside a insulated cooling chamber, using a cryogenic valve.
At the end of cycle the deflashed parts are discharged on a little vibrating screen to separate the clean parts from the flash.

We recommend to use either Emsodur C or Emsodur LT ranges of deflashing media to achieve best results, both in terms of quality, reliability and efficiency.

With the new pre-cooling system, available also for revamping of machines built after 2010, combined with high performance chamber insulation and new range of Emsodur media, you can save up to 30% liquid nitrogen !

Access to the full range of AW.

Deflashing drums :

The barrel (octagonal shape) is made with a double surface in stainless steel opportunely insulated.
The barrel rotation (from 5 to 45 rpm) is controlled by a digital inverter.
The nitrogen injection is controlled by an electro-valve projected for cryogenic applications.
The machine is supplied with:
- digital timer to set the cycle time
- digital thermo-regulator to set the cycle temperatures
- hand grip to set the barrel rotation speed and display to visualize it
PumaCryo is available in several models which depend by internal dimensions of the barrel.
The 5 versions available are: 180, 240, 400, 600 and 1000 litres.
For all versions is possible to have or the simple machine or a equipment complete of vibrating machine to separate the deflashed parts from the flash.
It's possible to mount in the electrical cabinet operator panel and PLC to manage all the machine parameters.

Optional: Deflashing tonnels
- pneumatic device to open the barrel door (automatic or manual mode)
- device to charge the material inside the barrel in automatic mode.