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extrusion - screw extruder and gear pumps


Screw extruder

extrusion - screw extruder and gear pumps


KCM has extensive experience in the rubber and silicone extrusion process. We offer a full range of extruders and gear pumps tailored to customer requirements. We manufacture machines with cold or hot feeding system and with or without vacuum system. We also supply extruders with and without pins according to the raw material viscosity.

Diameter of the screw from 30 to 300 mm - Screw length from 13 to 22 D

Special applications:

extuder and pumps- For profiles and hoses without porosities and for continuous curing at atmospheric pressure. We make different screw design to eliminate volatiles and humidity from the compound
- To transform compound finished in the internal mixer into bands or pellets.The batch is dumped straight into a large hopper equiped with a ram to force the compound into the feed zone of the screw extruder
- Feeding roll with independent and variable speed
- Heads constitute a very important part of the extruder, we develop a large variety   according of the specifications of the customers
- Configuration standard or with pins
- Complete extrusion line

GEAR PUMPS :Gear pumps

Our range of gear pumps covers almost all the needs of the rubber industry and can be adapted to any extruder to obtain both a high stability of the extruded profiles and to perform the rubber filtering process.

Our Gear Pumps have the following technical features : herringbone gears built in high resistance to abrasion steel, high heat exchange capacity body and weariness resistance.
Feeding system by a screw extruder or rolls.

This feeding system is the more versatile one. Its applications are : filtering with hot or cold rubber to make strips or granulates.
It improves the stability and regularity of the extruder increasing the production in the same time.

As a complementary advantage, we offer our clients the possibility to make trials in our plant.