Machinery for process industries
Contact-us : +33 (0)4 78 55 52 65
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We offer technical solutions for the following industries

Rubber and silicone

- storage, weighing and pre-packing of raw materials and additives

- mixing and packing of raw compounds

- extrusion, in line vulcanization, cutting and splicing of profiles

- injection or compression molding

- deflashing, powder dusting, cutting...

- visual inspection, dimensions control, compound characterization


- dozing and mixing of solids (powders, granules, flakes...)

- in line cutting

- thermal insulation plates for injection presses

Feed and food

- dozing and mixing of solids

- in line cutting of extruded products

Pharmaceuticals and nutraceutics

- softgel manufacturing equipment

- dozing and mixing of solids, spray dryers

Air Pollution Control (APC)

- solutions for air pollution control of process industries

- Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI) solutions and material handling for fly ash and sorbent