Machinery for process industries
Contact-us : +33 (0)4 78 55 52 65
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Spare parts

    Spare parts

    Spare parts

    POUSTHOMIS & Associés has been or is the exclusive agent in France of different companies producing equipment for processing, mixing or laboratory in the rubber industry: FARREL, GUMIX, PUGNO, GILLARD, JING DAY, U CAN, SAGITTA, OLMAR, ITAIGUM, BARWELL, REGLOPLAS, MEYER PLANTTEC etc.. Thus, we can provide spare parts or consumables (blades...) of these machines.
    We also have specialists in internal mixers and cylinders to control wear and reconditioning of certain equipment.
    I am listening to you and to answer all your questions / needs.

                                                                        Tel: +33 4 78 55 52 65