mixing-batch off
Batch off, strip cooling and festonning rubber compounds :
The STC serie coolers represent a very important technological advancement. They cool and dry big quantities of rubber compounds in much smaller space compared with traditional cooling systems. They can be adapted to any width of the compounds unloaded from mills or extruders and continuosly cooling with or without the use of water or anti-adhesive solution.
The system is mainly structured with a precooling tank containing water or antiadhesive solution and with a ventilated tunnel for the final compounds cooling and drying.
The rubber strip may go beyond the cooling tank without the immersion in the antiadeshive solution (or water) for those compounds that don't tolerate water.
A special conveyor system allows the perfect automatic winding of the rubber strip discharged directly from the open mill in the required shape.
The lenght of the linear development under ventilation assures excellent results in terms of final temperture and dryness of the compounds.
Thanks to the process without any kind of mechanical stress (extension, torsion) the rubber strip will arrive at the end of the ventilation tunnel with the same phisical and geometrica characteristics that it had at the end of the open mill working.
- smaller required space
- better cooling and drying
- uniformity of antiadhesive distribution without any powder agglomerate
- lack of mechanical stress of the compounds (extension due to the weight, deformations due to not constant winding torque, and so so on)
- extremely user-friendly
By now rubber industry calls for cutting compounds in continuous strips, in order to optimize the following working step (extrusion or moulding).
The FST festooner allows to gather in an orderly position whole batches of rubber compounds into large boxes or containers with great advantages for final utilization and for identification of production batches.